Social illness

A Gentle Reminder To End The Year – My Brain’s Not Broken

My last post of the year is usually one of my shortest ones. It’s a simple message, but one I wish was spread more this time of year, so I try to reflect on it at least once during the month of December. I don’t know about you, but this year certainly had its share of ups and downs. There were a lot of good moments, but there was also a lot of times that were painful and sad. So I want to remind everyone reading this that no matter how your year went, no matter what things may or may not have happened, you did enough.

This was the first year I did a ‘Year in Review’ post on the blog but when I think about this year and how I moved through it, I did enough. Did I set out to do everything I wanted to? No, but in a world full of perfectionism and lofty goal-setting, that’s not surprising. Did I accomplish a lot more than I thought I would this year? Actually, I did – but not for the reasons you might think.

We tend to think of success in terms of productivity and while that can be helpful, it doesn’t tell the whole story. I would say I had success in many ways this year, but it wasn’t because of something I produced, created or shared. It was because I continued to persevere and keep at it, day after day. It’s because I got out of bed on days when I didn’t want to, or did something for my health when all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball. I chose my health more than ever this year, and I think that anyone else who did has reason to celebrate.

I don’t have much more to say in this post because at the end of every calendar year, I end up in this place and I like it. In this place, I remember that I am enough – and so are you. And whatever we did this year, however it went for us, we’re still here. We’re still surviving and at times, even thriving. We were enough, we are enough, and we will be enough in the future.

I know there will be things I want to improve on, habits I want to make (and break) and other ways I can become the best version of myself. But right now, in this moment, I’m just proud to be where I am, being who I am and surrounded by people who know me. And I hope you are too. Because whatever you accomplished, be proud of that. And if you don’t feel like you did much, stand proud in the fact that you’re trying your best, and you’ll give it another go next year. That’s it for me this time around; see you in 2023.

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