
What Do “Health Equity” and “Quality Care” Mean in Cancer Care?

Health equity and quality care are central to delivering the best possible care to all people with cancer. In this podcast, Fay Hlubocky, PhD, MA, and Manali Patel, MD, MPH, MS, discuss what health equity and quality care mean in the context of cancer care. Then, they describe research highlights in these areas from the 2022 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Quality Care Symposium, which took place September 30 and October 1 in Chicago, Illinois.

  • What does the term “health equity” mean, and how does it relate to cancer care? [2:03]

  • What does “quality care” mean in cancer care? [3:23]

  • How do health equity and quality care relate to better overall cancer care? [5:29]

  • What were some of the key themes from the 2022 Quality Care Symposium that addressed quality care? [8:07]

  • What were some of the key themes from the symposium that addressed health equity? [12:42]

  • What are social determinants of health? [15:03]

  • What changes are happening in cancer care to improve health equity and quality care? [18:53]

  • Where can patients go online to learn more about health equity and quality care? [24:30]

Dr. Hlubocky is a licensed clinical health psychologist with an expertise in psychosocial oncology and a health care ethicist at the University of Chicago. She is also the 2022 Cancer.Net Associate Editor for Psychosocial Oncology. Dr. Patel is an Assistant Professor at Stanford University in the Division of Oncology and a Staff Thoracic Oncologist at the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System. She is also the 2022 Cancer.Net Associate Editor for Health Equity.

Disclosure information for this podcast’s speakers can be found in their individual biographies linked to in the paragraph above.

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