
The Beta Burger – Recipe from Beat Cancer Kitchen

2. Combine the chopped mushrooms and salt in a large mixing bowl. Allow the mixture to rest for 5 minutes. You’ll notice that water is being pulled from the mushrooms; do not discard the water!

3. Add the vinegar, oats, and pepper. Using your hands, knead the mushrooms and oats together until well incorporated. The mix will seem a little dry at first.

4. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 20 minutes. Use this time to slice your pickles, onions, tomatoes, etc., and tidy up the kitchen.

5. Knead the mixture once more. This time, it should resemble ground beef – seriously!

6. Divide the mixture into 6 equal balls and press each ball into a 4-inch patty on a sheet of parchment or wax paper. Make sure your patties have smooth, rounded edges. This makes them less likely to fall apart as they cook.

7. Place 1.5 tablespoons of olive oil in a large cast-iron skillet or frying pan set over medium heat. Pan-fry the burgers 3 at a time for about 4 minutes per side. Add the remaining oil before cooking the second batch.

8. Serve hot on a toasted whole-grain bun or over lettuce, topped with your favorite burger fixings. Mine are lettuce, tomato, pickles, onions, and lots of mustard.


*Anticancer Food Fact: Aromatase is an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen in the body. Excess estrogen is harmful and can fuel cancer growth. White button mushrooms have been found to suppress aromatase by 60%, better than any other vegetable or mushrooms tested. In addition, eating one cup of cooked white button mushrooms per day has been shown to accelerate the salivary secretion of an immune system antibody called immunoglobulin A by 50%.

Share your pics of my book or this recipe on social media and tag me @chrisbeatcancer #beatcancerkitchen 🙂

BEAT CANCER KITCHEN is a beautiful full-color cookbook with plant-based (vegan friendly) recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus soups, salads, juices, and smoothies galore! There’s a section with potent anticancer recipes for healing and a section with recipes for healthy living and prevention.

There are anticancer nutrition factoids sprinkled throughout the book and most importantly, the recipes are all super delicious and super easy to make! 🙂

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