Can Increasing Physical Activity Save Lives?

The EU nations, according to the report, are expected to save an average of 0.6 per cent of their health care budgets if they address the issue of physical inactivity among the entire population. This amounts to almost 8 billion euros PPPs annually.
“The report provides evidence that investing in policies that promote physical activity not only improves individual well-being and population health, but also pays economic dividends,” said Hans Kluge, WHO regional director for Europe.
However, other significant findings from the study show that every third person in the EU does not engage in an adequate amount of physical activity, with 45 per cent of respondents saying they “never exercise or play sport.” The highest burden of insufficient physical activity on regional health care spending is found in Germany, Italy, and France.
This is causing millions of cases of the four most lethal NCDs: cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes, “ruining people’s health and often their financial well-being and burdening economies,” the report has said.
Source: IANS
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