Pharma News

Right time, right place? – PharmaTimes Magazine September 2022

Oli Hudson grapples with the role of ‘place’ in the new ICS landscape

With a geographical footprint roughly the same as a local authority, ‘place’ is emerging as an increasingly important unit of organisation within the NHS.
But how will it affect the way pharma companies engage and work with the NHS in future?

“Everything will ultimately fall into place, but place will not be everything. Over the last few years, you have been part of a CCG, but these have now been replaced, since a better way of organising everything is now in place, or rather in Place.” Dr Julius Parker, Chief Executive of Surrey and Sussex Local Medical Committees.

Over the summer, a tongue-in-cheek briefing shared with GPs across Surrey and Sussex about local reorganisations went viral. It took particular aim at the mysteries of what NHS policymakers call “place”, while poking fun at the jargon-ridden language of reform more generally.

Check out the rest of this feature here

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