Social illness

Identifying & Escaping Them — Talkspace

How to Get Out of a Karmic Relationship

It can be hard to end a relationship, especially if you and your partner have a strong bond. People often report a decline in their well-being after ending a romantic relationship. While a breakup may be painful in the short term, ending a toxic relationship can lead to long-term fulfillment and growth. 

If you’re ready to leave your karmic partner but aren’t sure how to walk away, these tips will help you find the strength you need.

Find sources of support

It’s common for people in karmic relationships to feel dependent on their partner. Reaching out to family and friends for support can give you the strength you need to leave. Research also shows that a strong support system can reduce feelings of psychological distress. 

Be firm

When you end things, be clear and firm in your feelings. Try to avoid an argument or a long, drawn-out conversation. If you’re worried about how your partner will react, it’s OK to end the relationship via text or email for your safety. 

Cut off contact

After you end a karmic relationship, you might miss your partner or find that you’re starting to focus on the relationship’s positive aspects. This can lead to a break-up/make-up cycle. It’s best to cut off contact with your partner, including contact on social media, so you both have the space you need.

Practice self-care

Instead of allowing negative emotions to consume you or beating yourself up for the past, try to create a positive environment. Focus on activities you love and spend time with people you care about. While you won’t feel better overnight, self-care can help you to heal. 

Consider therapy

Leaving a karmic relationship can be difficult, but recovering from it can be even more complicated. Through certain types of either in-person or online therapy, such as Imago therapy, a therapist can help you to understand what went wrong in your past relationship. With their help, you’ll be able to learn healthy communication skills, grow as a person mentally, and identify what you need in future relationships.  

“We grow from every relationship, and although it may be time to separate, it’s more than OK to take some time to reflect independently about what is not serving you in a relationship any longer, especially if you feel overworked from your point of view. Accepting your growth or change is one place to start to better understand what you may need elsewhere. Of course, talking it through with a professional or trusted friend can always help add perspective on how to move on healthfully.”

Talkspace therapist Elizabeth Keohan, LCSW-C, LICSW, LCSW

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