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Woman of the Week: Dr. Lauren Lazar

Welcome to the Woman of the Week podcast, a weekly discussion that illuminates the unique stories of women leaders who are catalyzing change throughout the life sciences industry. You can check out all our podcast episodes here.

Armed with an undergraduate degree in English, Dr. Lauren Lazar entered the world of medicine to pursue her lifelong desire to be a doctor. After earning her M.D., eschewing the traditional path of clinical practice, she promptly jumped into the world of healthcare advertising and communications — and she hasn’t looked back since.

“As a doctor, even if you’re not treating patients day to day, what you’re doing is fundamentally important to a lot of people, and in the end, you’re affecting patients in everything you do,” she said. “It’s impactful. It still counts as helping people … even if we’re doing so in a corporate setting.”

This unusual path fits with both her creativity and scientific mind, or as she describes it a “bit of a right brain, left brain conflict.”

“Pursuing a course of science classes for pre-med alongside intensive writing programs — everything from Victorian literature to modern poetry — really gave me some much-needed balance during my undergraduate career,” she said. “Ultimately, I wanted to get as much education in the humanities as I possibly could before beginning a career as a physician. It was really critical to me to understand and empathize with patients before learning how to treat them.”

As executive vice president and medical director for the healthcare advertising agency Calcium, Lazar consistently pushes the boundaries of science and marketing to accomplish the strategic goals for clients’ brands — including crafting programs on up-and-coming platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, as well as heading up Calcium’s latest division Vitamin MD, which supports promotional medical education.

“I like to think more like a marketer with an M.D. versus an M.D. working in marketing,” she said. “Our new division Vitamin MD is leveraging a lot of next-generation innovation to help address this changing market and changing needs. We always want to push the boundaries and help our clients strengthen their scientific communications platforms as early in the product life cycle as possible.”

In this episode of the Woman of the Week podcast, Lazar talks about why she has no regrets about choosing a nontraditional M.D. path, the omnichannel trends influencing healthcare marketing and how she’s paying forward the advice she received from her mentor to the next generation of clinical marketers.

Welcome to WoW, the Woman of the Week podcast by PharmaVoice, powered by Industry Dive.

In this episode, Taren Grom, editor-in-chief emeritus at PharmaVoice meets with Lauren Lazar, M.D., executive vice president, medical director, Calcium.

Taren: Lauren, welcome to the WoW podcast program.

Lauren: Thank you so much. It’s been a pleasure to be here and thank you for having me.

Taren: It’s our pleasure. So Dr. Lazar, early on in your career you took an interesting turn, you earned an MD after receiving a BA in English with a 4.0 to boot. So why medical school after college?

Lauren: Yes. I was actually one of the rare English majors who went on to medical school from undergraduate. I think I really always had a passion for both the creative side and science and so, I think I had a little bit of a right brain, left brain conflict. But pursuing a course of science classes for pre-med alongside intensive writing programs and everything from Victorian literature to modern poetry really gave me some much-needed balance during my undergraduate career. And ultimately, I think I wanted to get as much education in the humanities as I possibly could before beginning a career as a physician. It was really critical to me to understand and empathize with patients before learning how to treat them.

Taren: Did you always want to go to med school? Did you always want to be a doctor? Was that always the plan?

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