Top 10 Reasons Why You Cant Sleep

Increased reliance on technology for amusement or leisure following the pandemic could be one of the causes of poor sleep. Being on the phone before bedtime may be interfering with your sleep. The blue light emitted by phones interferes with the release of the sleep hormone melatonin. Melatonin is created roughly 2 hours before bedtime, and the brain associates blue light emitted by screens with daytime, influencing the effects of the sleep hormone.
Sleep is given less importance
Have you ever sacrificed your sleep because you needed to manage work, chores, socializing, and other responsibilities? Many people do not prioritize sleep and take it for granted, especially children. Sleeping on an irregular schedule or staying up late can interfere with getting a decent night’s sleep. In the long run, it can also harm one’s day-to-day activities at work or college, among other things. A regular sleep pattern is useful because it allows optimal performance and decreases stress.
Age-related problems
Because of age-related ailments such as Alzheimer’s disease, senior individuals may have difficulty sleeping. Other causes may include chronic illness-related pain, sleeplessness, or the need to urinate frequently. Some people may find it difficult to fall asleep as they get older. As less time is spent in deep sleep, many people wake up throughout the night or much sooner in the morning. Because of frequent sleep disturbances, elderly persons may feel weary or sleep-deprived even though their total sleep time remains constant. Taking warm milk or avoiding caffeine before night, as well as not napping during the day, can help the elderly sleep better.
Caffeine and alcoholic beverages
Caffeine or alcohol use should be limited before going to bed. Caffeine should not be consumed six hours before bedtime since it can interfere with the duration and efficiency of sleep. Alcohol can also cause fragmented sleep because excessive consumption does not produce deep slumber that leaves one feeling rejuvenated in the morning. Alcohol drinking before bedtime also interferes with sleep by dehydrating the body.
Stress or mental health issues
Individuals suffering from mental health concerns such as depression or anxiety may struggle to sleep. They may sleep insufficiently or excessively. Anxiety and sleep are also inextricably linked. While anxiety can interfere with sleep, it is also possible to become worried simply by worrying about not getting enough sleep.
Multiple life events, such as relationship or health problems, family disruptions, or professional pressure, can produce stress and make it difficult to sleep well. In response to stress, hormones are generated that increase heart rate and awareness for the body to react to danger, making sleep impossible.
Sleep problems
Sleep disorders such as insomnia, parasomnias, and sleep apnea can all significantly contribute to sleep issues. Insomnia makes it difficult to get enough sleep or causes one to get up too early. Insomnia can also be a sign of a mental health problem such as anxiety or despair. Parasomnias disrupt sleep by causing movements and behaviors such as sleepwalking, sleep talking, sleep terror, and sleep paralysis. Sleep apnea is frequently misdiagnosed. People with sleep apnea frequently have difficulty breathing because it stops and restarts several times during the night.
Some drugs for illnesses such as asthma, heart difficulties, psychological disorders, thyroid conditions, or cancer can interfere with sleep since the action of chemicals differs from person to person. Beta-blockers, which are used to treat high blood pressure or angina, may cause sleeplessness. Over-the-counter medications for colds or headaches, as well as pain relievers, can disrupt sleep and make you feel drowsy during the day. Decongestants can cause insomnia whereas anti-histamines might produce drowsiness.
A strenuous workout within an hour of going to bed will make it difficult to sleep. Exercise boosts the heart rate and activates the neural system, making it difficult to relax the body. High-intensity workouts near night slow down the relaxation process even more. A 1997 study discovered that jogging in the evening resulted in delayed melatonin generation 24 hours later, influencing sleep the following day.
Poor sleeping conditions
Noise or light in the bedroom may make it difficult to relax or sleep soundly. Sleep issues might be caused by streetlights, night lights, or even a messy room. Light in the room before bedtime might disrupt the internal clock and make it difficult to fall asleep.
Unusual working hours
Working odd hours, such as graveyard jobs or early morning shifts, might disrupt one’s circadian rhythm. Due to sleeping at strange hours, one’s sleep may not be very rejuvenating. Sleeping against the clock or attempting to sleep during the day when the body expects to be up, makes it difficult to achieve a good night’s sleep. A normal sleep pattern is impossible to maintain due to frequent or random shift rotations. According to research, proper shift rotation helps employees be more productive and efficient.
Protein consumption close to bedtime
Meat before night may disrupt your sleep since protein takes a long time and requires more energy to digest. The digestive process of the body slows down by up to 50% when sleeping. Carbohydrates are recommended for excellent sleep because they aid in the release of serotonin, which is proven to aid sleep.
Maintain appropriate sleep hygiene
Putting away phones and other electronic devices allows one to relax and fall asleep sooner. Place your phones outside your room, out of sight and out of mind. If necessary, replace your phone with an alarm clock. To relax, put on a comfy pair of clothes. Make sure the space is at a suitable temperature and that there isn’t too much light.
Read anything uninteresting or stimulating to assist your body to relax and feel drowsy. If you can’t sleep, try counting backwards.
If you are suffering from depression, anxiety, or other sleep difficulties, you should consult a mental health expert.
Source: Medindia
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