
Third Cholera Epidemic Might Come Knocking

Third Cholera Epidemic poses as a new health threat to Yemen people who are still recovering from the war. World health organization has warned the government officials on the previous Friday that the country could be at the brink of a third cholera epidemic.

Major port city of Hodeidah and Sanaa near the Yemen capital have reported many cholera cases so far, and the numbers are still increasing. The disease seems to have come at the worst possible time in Hodeidah where recent conflict has occurred.

Dr. Peter Salama, WHO deputy director-general of emergency preparedness and response said “We’ve had two major waves of cholera epidemics in recent years, and unfortunately the trend data that we’ve seen in the last days to weeks suggests that we may be on the cusp of the third major wave of cholera epidemics in Yemen,” Dr. Peter Salama, WHO deputy director-general of emergency preparedness and response, told a UN briefing in Geneva, Switzerland.

Because of the constant war, many Yemenis have been weakened by malnutrition; these problems are now overlapping of disease outbreaks and war as the nation struggles with cholera and diphtheria.

Yemen has recorded More than 1.1 million suspected cholera cases since April, and nearly 2,300 deaths have been reported because of it.

Source: Eurekalert

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