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The 2023 PharmaVoice Crystal Ball: Peering into the future of life sciences

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2023 may have just begun but a picture of the year has already taken shape — and according to our community of pharma thought leaders, this is what it’s going to look like in pharma.

For the 2023 PharmaVoice Year in Preview, we zeroed in on six key trends: clinical trial diversity, disruptive tech, innovation, talent management, patient engagement and leading through uncertain times. Here, we’ve asked industry execs to look into their crystal balls and tell us about anything they see coming.

As we culled responses, several themes emerged: changes within the clinic, a digital transformation, fluidity in valuation and capital investments, regulatory shifts and more.

Here are the some of the changes industry influencers predict will take hold in 2023.

In the clinic

Democratizing gene therapy

Ben Yerxa headshot

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Permission granted by Ben Yerxa


“Fast and low-cost gene therapy manufacturing will democratize access to these potentially life-changing and life-saving therapies. Tracking the sheer number of gene therapies entering the clinic and how they do in early development will be a focus.”
Ben Yerxa, CEO, Opus Genetics

Normalizing DCTs

Medable Chief Growth Officer Sanskriti Thakur

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Permission granted by Sanskriti Thakur


“In 2023, decentralized and hybrid clinical trials will become simply ‘clinical trials.’ Positive returns will make DCTs the de-facto standard. Expect 2023 to be a pivotal year, capping a year or more of strong growth in decentralized and hybrid clinical trial deployment. The next evolution of DCTs will involve self-service tools that enable sponsors and sites to deploy and operate global studies on a common platform using standardized processes. We see evidence of this pivot from customers and partners who aim to leverage digital tools across their pipeline. The industry is no longer dipping their toes in the DCT water; rather, leading pharmaceutical companies like GSK and AstraZeneca, are expanding its use.”
Sanskriti Thakur, chief growth officer, Medable

A unified view of the HCP

Paul Shawah headshot

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Permission granted by Paul Shawah


“Rarely are organizations able to view HCP relationships holistically — across clinical, medical and sales — or reap the benefits of creating a unified understanding of the customer. But rare diseases with small patient populations and complex therapies are blurring the traditional barriers between research, patient care and thought leadership. With these silos breaking down, biopharmas will have the opportunity to drive a more coordinated approach to HCP engagement using shared data and unified systems, while still maintaining compliance. Seamless data sharing between clinical teams and medical science liaisons, for example, could greatly influence clinical trial site selection and ensure more coordinated engagement. Leading companies will empower their teams to act quickly, compliantly and with a unified view of the HCP.”
Paul Shawah, executive vice president, commercial strategy, Veeva

Digital transformation

Digital + therapy

Omri Shor headshot

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Permission granted by Omri Shor


“I believe the time is coming where digital technology will become a treatment for certain conditions and will be increasingly paired with drug therapy as a combined physical and mental treatment (for) a holistic approach to medicine. We see this being done in clinical trials, and the FDA has shown more openness toward these combination approaches. Soon, I expect to see more of this come to fruition.”
Omri Shor, CEO, president, founder, Medisafe

Data collaboration

Juliette Han headshot

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Permission granted by Juliette Han


“We are on the cusp of the next phase of preventative healthcare, as technology advancements are making health data more accessible. People are already starting to think more proactively about their health as they adopt wearables, but the next phase is being able to provide consumers with data that is easily understandable to positively impact their health. Now that we have mechanisms of retrieving data, the industry needs to collaborate to socialize it so that it can benefit drug development broadly. As COVID proved, drug developers need to partner to create the next generation of medicine.”
Juliette Han, chief operating officer, chief financial officer, Cambrian BioPharma

Commercializing digital therapeutics

Dave Hanaman headshot

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Permission granted by Dave Hanaman


“Digital therapeutics companies will focus on the difficult last mile to commercialization. Historically, digital therapeutics (DTx) companies have directed about 95% of their effort into gaining FDA approval and 5% into market access strategy. In 2023, this will shift to a 60%/40% split, with DTx companies having an earlier focus on the commercialization process, while simultaneously working toward earning FDA approval. This ‘last mile’ is completely uncharted territory for DTx companies. They face new obstacles bringing their therapeutics to market. For example, physicians’ lack of awareness of the DTx and their inability to easily prescribe them. There are still many unknowns around getting DTx products on the formulary and how to prescribe them to patients – doctors can’t just write a prescription and send patients off to the local drugstore when prescribing the use of an app.”
Dave Hanaman, chief commercial officer, co-founder, Curavit Clinical Research

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