Spain On High Alert After First Ever Case Of Mosquito-Borne Chikungunya Virus Detected

“This is the first chikungunya case reported from Spain without travel history to endemic areas,” the statement said, as all prior reported cases involved people who caught the virus while abroad.
Chikungunya, more commonly found in Africa and Asia, is spread by two mosquito species, and is typically not fatal. But it can cause debilitating symptoms including fever, headache and severe joint pain lasting months.
The word chikungunya, from the East African Kimakonde language, translates loosely as contorted or hunched over from pain.
Last year there were 266 recorded cases of chikungunya in Spain, all imported, according to the National Epidemiology Centre, a unit of the health ministry.
The first case of domestic transmission of the disease in Europe happened in Italy in 2007.
Source: AFP
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