
New Cholera Outbreak Declared in South Sudan

It said so far, a total of 31 cases including one death have been reported from Rubkona town and Bentiu IDP camp.

The Ministry said the confirmed cases presented with watery diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration and were admitted and managed at MSF Bentiu protection of civilians (PoC) hospital, noting that all cases have been discharged.

It reported a confirmed case of cholera from Bentiu IDP camp on April 14 and the latest is the first cholera case to be reported in South Sudan since the devastating cholera outbreak in 2017, affecting more than 28,000 people with 644 deaths.


The Ministry said following the confirmation of the initial case on April 14 it has with support from partners deployed a rapid response team from April 22 to 29 to investigate the causes and support the state-level response. And adequate supplies have also been deployed to support the investigation and treatment of cases in Rubkona county.

According to the ministry, the government with support from its partners conducted two rounds of oral cholera vaccination in Rubkona county in January and March, respectively.

Source: IANS

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