Social illness

Getting Out of My Head – My Brain’s Not Broken

Some days I wish I could get out of my head. I don’t always know what I mean when I say that, but the sentiment is there. It feels like I live most of my life inside my head and every so often, I want to burst out. I’m sure actually doing so isn’t as dramatic as all that, but it feels like it would be. Being ‘inside your head’ is a fancy synonym for overthinking a moment or situation but when you do it often, it feels like it’s just the way you experience things. After quickly retreating inward for many weeks, I’d like to try getting out of my head, and here’s why.

The reason I guessed about what it means to get out of my head is because to be honest, I’m still not quite sure it means. There are so many situations that force me to look inward or require contemplation. Thought, reflection and meditation have been some of the most important ways I’ve gotten to know myself over the past few years. Living inside my head is quite frustrating at times but it’s also brought many good things, too. In a way, it’s similar to the effects of depression and anxiety I’ve experienced over the years.

When it comes to getting out of my own head, one of the things I’m most afraid of is that I won’t recognize myself. As I get older, Imposter Syndrome feels realer and realer. Without a strong sense of who I am or what my foundation is, any step in a different direction feels strange and a bit scary. When I’m among the unfamiliar, my instinct is to feel like I don’t belong – even when (or especially when) that isn’t the case.

When I talk about our wellness, I tend to get stuck on phrasing and word choice a lot of the time. Why do we even use this phrase, “in our heads?” Is it because we’re afraid of overthinking and overanalyzing? Being in our heads too much can also lead to the possibility of reflecting on the wrong things – focusing on past mistakes and negative thoughts instead of the task at hand. But besides getting out of our head and away from the problem, isn’t there something else we can do?

I don’t know how much today’s post will accomplish. I’m afraid it could just be another post where I’m waxing poetic for no reason, annoyed about another obstacle of mental health challenges. But there’s a chance I’m on to something, and I hope to see it through. Here’s hoping we can build a foundation for a better relationship within ourselves!

Now, over to you! What do you think of the phrase “being in your head”? Have you ever been described that way, or felt that way yourself? Do you think it’s helpful or harmful to the stigma surrounding mental health? Let me know in the comments below!

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