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CGT manufacturing QC market to value $2.8b by 2031

Advanced analytical technologies in quality control (QC) processes in cell and gene therapy manufacturing is anticipated to help deliver a 24.6 percent market CAGR between 2023 and 2031.

According to a report by Transparency Market Research Inc, the global cell and gene therapy (CGT) manufacturing quality control (QC) market is anticipated to value $2.8 billion in 2031.

It is projected to expand at a CAGR of 24.6 percent from 2023 to 2031. Comparatively, the market is expected to value $463.1 million by the end of 2023.

With increasing research and development in the cell and gene therapy field, the demand for optimal quality control is needed to ensure the safe and efficient manufacture and quality of these novel therapies.

The research stated that advancements in analytical technologies and integration of innovative technologies such as automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI) into QC processes have significantly enhanced the industry’s capacity to analyse, characterise, and ensure high quality cell and gene therapy products. This is facilitating the feasibility of comprehensive quality assessments. Therefore, this is expected to boost the market demand, according to the authors.

Support for sufficient QC of these therapies and the growing trend for personalised medicines is also driving demand for quality control measures in this field, the report highlighted.

Data showed that potency testing as an analytical method dominated the global cell and gene therapy manufacturing quality control industry in the forecast period.

Regions expected to have the greatest share of the CGT manufacturing QC market

North America is anticipated to hold the largest cell and gene therapy manufacturing quality control market share between 2023 and 2031. This is due to the strong presence of research, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical industries, the report noted. More government funding for life sciences research and biotechnology is contributing to the growth of the market too.

UK medicines manufacturing to get innovation boost

The Asia Pacific region is expected to have a significant share in the market. Higher demand for innovative treatment options has prompted the development and manufacturing of cell and gene therapies in the region.

Key players in the market include bioMérieux SA, Charles River Laboratories International, Lonza Group AG, Merck KGaA, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Eurofins Scientific S.E. and F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.

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