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BBSRC to invest £12m into 62 UK bioscience research projects

The projects will explore early-stage ideas at the frontiers of bioscience

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) is aiming to invest a share of £12m to fund 62 bioscience research projects in the UK.

The new projects will explore early-stage ideas at the frontiers of bioscience.

As part of the BBSRC Pioneer Awards, the investment will open up novel areas of exploration to allow investigators to make new discoveries and has the potential to transform our understanding of the fundamental rules of life.

The new projects will aim to radically change the way we think about biological phenomena, covering plant, microbial and animal sciences.

Scientists at Cardiff University will explore the genetic secrets behind the Turritopsis dohrni jellyfish and its ability to transform adult cells back into a youthful state, granting itself a form of immortality.

The research aims to transform our understanding of ageing, regenerative medicine and developmental biology.

Researchers at the University of Birmingham will investigate how horizontal gene transfer in fungi could be driven by a class of giant transposons known as starships.

Starships are thought to contain genetic material to be shared, as well as the machinery needed to excise and re-insert themselves into a host genome.

Researchers aim to explore how HGT fungi could answer questions about evolutionary biology and potentially find ways to prevent the spread of fungal disease and antibiotic resistance.

The University of Exeter will be funded to investigate birds’ navigation during migration with a phenomenon known as magnetoreception, which involves proteins sensing magnetic fields and influences birds’ behaviour.

They hope to significantly advance research in the field by challenging current thinking with the new hypothesis that three radicals are involved in the process.

Professor Guy Poppy, interim executive chair at BBSRC, said: “Many of the challenges faced by today’s society, such as global food security, environmental sustainability and healthcare, are deeply rooted in biological processes.

“Understanding the fundamental rules of life, such as the principles governing genetics, evolution and biological processes, is essential for advancing scientific knowledge.”

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