Pharma News

AlzeCure’s promising Alzheimer’s abstract accepted

AlzeCure – a company that focuses on drugs for the central nervous system – has announced that an abstract with new preclinical data supporting a disease-modifying impact. It relates to the company’s Alzheimer’s candidate, ACD856.

The abstract, entitled Effects on neuroprotection and neuroplasticity by the clinical compound ACD856, a novel positive modulator of Trk-receptors from the NeuroRestore platform, will be presented by Johan Sandin, chief scientific officer at AlzeCure, at the international conference on Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and related neurological diseases.

The presentation contains new preclinical results connected to ACD856, the leading drug candidate on the NeuroRestore platform. During the studies, a protective effect on nerve cells and a positive effect of ACD856 on the growth of nerve fibres emerged.

In addition, the data demonstrated that ACD856 increases the amount of a specific protein, thereby playing an important role in nerve cell communication – something that is strongly affected in the disease.

ACD856 has also been shown in preclinical studies to improve cognition and memory while, in subsequent clinical studies, the substance has shown good tolerability, safety and central target engagement. The candidate is also being developed primarily for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

Martin Jönsson, chief executive officer of AlzeCure Pharma, reflected: “We have previously shown that ACD856 has potent learning and memory-enhancing effects in preclinical models and that we now, in addition, are able to demonstrate disease-modifying properties is something that can significantly increase commercial interest in the substance, which is now ready for phase 2 clinical studies.”

“The new positive data builds on the previous findings we made with our substances in the NeuroRestore platform and further strengthen and validate their potential for disease-modifying effects,” added Pontus Forsell, head of discovery and research at AlzeCure.

The data has been accepted for presentation at the Alzheimer’s Conference AD/PD 2023, to be held in Gothenburg, Sweden.

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