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Advanced therapy collaboration network launched in Scotland

Advanced therapy (ATMP) manufacturers and developers in Scotland are set to be supported through a new collaboration initiative from the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult (CGT Catapult).

The Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult (CGT Catapult), supported by Scotland’s national economic development agency, Scottish Enterprise, has launched a new cooperative network to foster collaboration and increase knowledge sharing across the Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) industry in Scotland.

Events, as well as talks from industry leaders and networking opportunities, will be coordinated by a new ‘Scottish Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) and Vaccines Network’ to aid individuals and the wider industry across the north of the UK.

As part of the network project, CGT Catapult will also develop a company directory for those working on advanced therapies. CGT Catapult aims to foster more connections, collaborations and partnerships between academia and industry to advance the sector, the organisation declared.

Progressing the Scottish advanced therapies industry

There are over 700 life sciences organisations in Scotland, employing over 41,000 people. Since 2010, the sector has secured eight percent growth each year. Consequently, the sector is set to obtain a turnover of £8 billion by 2025, according to Scottish Development International.

“We believe this Scottish Enterprise supported initiative will result in an even stronger sector and exciting new technologies,” stated Matthew Durdy, Chief Executive of the CGT Catapult.

Victoria Carmichael, Commercial Director at Scottish Enterprise stated that the organisation is “really keen to see increased collaboration between our innovative advanced therapies companies and more partnership working with universities and colleges – because we know that great things happen when knowledge, expertise and ideas are shared.”

New facilities for developing ATMPs in Scotland

This new launch follows CGT Catapult opening its new state-of-the-art laboratories and offices in the Edinburgh BioQuarter in Scotland in June 2023. This campus supports academia, biotech and clinical endeavours. The new site provides resources and technology and access to industry expertise. Overall, it helps cell therapy developers to improve their manufacturing processes and work through the complex regulatory requirements for advanced medical therapies.

EPR Podcast 19 – Collaboration in microbiology – Allison Scott, Lynn Johnson and Miriam Guest, M³ Collaboration

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