Social illness

A roadmap to prevent people being gone too soon |

“From the very start, Gone Too Soon has prioritised the knowledge and expertise that comes from having lived and living experiences of mental illness,” says mental health campaigner and contributor to the paper, James Downs.

As someone with longstanding serious mental illness, comorbidity, and suicidality, it has been meaningful to have an active role in this ambitious research alongside world-leading experts. By integrating experts by experience on an equal footing, we have aimed to create a fuller, more representative knowledge of the problems that underpin why people like me are likely to live shorter and more difficult lives as a result of mental illness. I hope the solutions we have proposed are more impactful as a result of lived experience being included in the project, and that we have set an example for how to co-produce knowledge and co-design more effective solutions together.”

James Downs, MQ Ambassador and lived experience co-author

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