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Woman of the Week: Genentech’s Veronica Sandoval

Welcome to the Woman of the Week podcast, a weekly discussion that illuminates the unique stories of women leaders who are catalyzing change throughout the life sciences industry. You can check out all our podcast episodes

Veronica Sandoval’s career has spanned the spectrum from scientist to researcher to lawyer and now business executive. But what gets her up in the morning is working in a place where “the science happens, and patients’ lives are directly impacted.”

Sandoval formulated an interest in science and biology at an early age, and during her academic career as a post-doc, she was drawn to the area of neurodegenerative diseases and was determined to find a cure for Parkinson’s disease. Despite the advances she was making in the field — work that continues to influence research today — she found that the disconnect between the lab and the development of real-world solutions were too great and she pivoted to the industry, joining Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals. 

“It was there that I learned how to translate the actual research that goes on at the bench and figure out that connection to new innovative medications, and get those medications to the hands of patients,” Sandoval said.

At P&G Sandoval added to her growing list of credentials and was introduced to the world of patent law, earning her J.D. and later practicing as a life sciences IP litigator.

But, once again, Sandoval felt too removed from the science and came to the realization that with her vast experience, she could make a significant difference for society and patients and leaned into an area of influence that would positively impact underserved populations.

“Just having that epiphany really shaped my professional pursuit of what I can do in my role and what I want to leave behind as a legacy,” she said.

In her current role at Genentech as principal, patient inclusion and health equity, working in the chief diversity office, she is integral to shaping and moving forward the company’s three pillars of D&I — “fostering belonging, advancing inclusive research and health equity, and transforming society.”

Sandoval said it’s all about the “three Ms” — taking a moment and turning it into momentum to create a movement

“One of the key priorities that I’m very proud of here at Genentech is that both our U.S. and global efforts are focused on reducing disparities in clinical research participation, and ensuring that patients in our trials are near the patient populations who experience that disease,” she said. “Unfortunately, the genetic data that is available today does not reflect diversity of our global population. In my position, I’m able to directly bring change to our patients by engaging at every stage in the lifecycle of our portfolio from early research through late-stage clinical studies, to how we engage with those communities we serve. And, for me, this comes back full circle of being in service and bringing medications to those patients who really need them.”

One of the key areas of movement for her as a first-generation Mexican American and the daughter of immigrant farm workers, is creating better access to care for underserved communities.

“My childhood really shaped me and motivated me to find a career that I could have the opportunity to increase public health literacy, to educate not only my Latino community but also all underserved communities,” she said. “If I could increase the public health literacy piece and educate patients so at the end they can advocate and communicate for themselves — that is the huge win.”

Here, Sandoval speaks about Genentech’s continuing commitment to its 2025 goals, her personal journey of “filling her cup” and her drive to create sustainable partnerships between industry, government, payers, healthcare systems and patient advocacy groups to find solutions that dismantle disparities of care.

Welcome to WoW – the Woman of the Week podcast by PharmaVoice powered by Industry Dive.

In this episode, Taren Grom, editor and chief emeritus at PharmaVoice, visits with Veronica Sandoval, principal, patient inclusion and health equity, Genentech.

Taren: Veronica, welcome to the WoW podcast program.

Veronica: Taren, thank you for having me. I’m really looking forward to our conversation.

Taren: Me too. Before we dig into Genentech’s third D&I report, which I’m anxious to hear about, can you share a bit about your career history?

Veronica: Yes. Absolutely. And Taren, I don’t want to take a lot of time but I’m always like, I’m not going to take you back to when I was in kindergarten. The one thing that I want to start with is just to tell the audience about my love for the life sciences and just drop you as to where everything started for me. It started at UC Berkeley as an undergraduate where I majored in molecular and cell biology. And it was at UC Berkeley that I had the opportunity and was very blessed in meeting a lot of great mentors that allowed me to navigate the world of being an undergraduate, but also being exposed to research and had the opportunity to conduct summer internship programs at UC Davis where I did summer programs focusing on Alzheimer’s research and the tau protein.

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