Pharma News

Who’s saying what? Cloud mentions in company filings of pharmaceutical industry increased by 149% in Q1 2023

The global pharmaceutical industry experienced a 149% rise in company filings mentions of cloud in Q1 2023 compared with the previous quarter, with the highest share accounted for by Pfizer with 14% year-on-year decrease, according to GlobalData’s analysis of over 140 pharmaceutical company filings. GlobalData’s Cloud Computing in Healthcare – Thematic Intelligence report offers a detailed understanding of how Cloud impacts the value chain in the Pharmaceutical sector. It includes market sizing analysis and the leading Cloud adopters and vendors in the market. Buy the report here.

Notably, cloud was one of the most frequently referenced themes in Q1 2023, ranking highest in terms of mentions, ahead of Covid-19 and internet of things, according to GlobalData.

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Of the top leading companies in the pharmaceutical industry, Pfizer had the greatest increase in references for cloud in Q1 2023, compared with the previous quarter. GlobalData identified 2 cloud-related sentences in the company’s filings – 4% of all sentences – and an increase of 100% in Q1 2023 compared with Q1 2022. Sanofi’s mentions of cloud rose by 100% to 1.

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GlobalData’s Company Filings Analytics also applies sentiment weight to reference sentences, based on whether the sentences are positive, negative, or neutral. Starting at 100 in 2020, an index over 100 is more positive. The overall index for cloud in Q1 2023 was 62.

!function(){“use strict”;window.addEventListener(“message”,(function(a){if(void 0![“datawrapper-height”]){var e=document.querySelectorAll(“iframe”);for(var t in[“datawrapper-height”])for(var r=0;r<e.length;r++)if(e[r].contentWindow===a.source){var["datawrapper-height"][t]+"px";e[r].style.height=i}}}))}();

To further understand GlobalData’s analysis on Cloud Computing in Healthcare – Thematic Intelligence, buy the report here.

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