Overview – Marketer of the Year

Designed to assess and reward the competencies and potential of pharma marketers, the PharmaTimes Marketer of the Year competition identifies and benchmarks marketing talent within pharma organisations against the wider industry.
Following an initial screening process, an independent expert panel assesses the core capabilities of individual marketers and teams and helps to develop them further. The competition provides a way of testing both aspiring and experienced marketers and highlights the crucial role marketing plays in our industry.
Whilst other award schemes measure output retrospectively, this competition calls on entrants to demonstrate a dynamic combination of knowledge, creativity and strategic thinking in real time challenges within a protected environment. It’s a unique opportunity for individuals and teams to sharpen their skills and showcase their talents against marketers’ industry wide.
To enter into the PharmaTimes Marketer of the Year 2022 competition, companies must nominate their employees or support their individual nominations.
Benefits for participants
- The only pharmaceutical marketing competition that pits marketer’s head-to-head in a real-life challenge against their peers
- There is no intense submission process or preparation required, minimising any loss of focus away from your job
- It does not require you to submit previous work – instead you will compete in a real-life challenge devised and judged by senior marketing and healthcare leaders.
- You will receive qualitative and quantitative judges’ feedback, including a competency score sheet so you can see how you performed compared to your peers
- From Aspiring Marketer to New and Experienced Marketer, wherever you are in your career there is a category for you
Benefits for participating companies
- Supporting your employees through the competition demonstrates your desire to encourage learning and development
- The judges’ feedback and competency score-sheets enables you to cross-check and evaluate the skills and abilities of your marketers against the best in the industry
- Participation in the competition validates the rigour of your company’s recruitment, training and development
- Association with the competition attracts new talent to your organisation and creates affiliate pride
- Overall success in the individual and team categories could result in you being crowned with the prestigious title of ‘Company of the Year’
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#Overview #Marketer #Year