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What to Drink to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly?

If you have high blood pressure, you might be interested in lifestyle modifications that can bring it down. Many individuals know the positive effects of a balanced diet and regular exercise on cardiovascular health. Drinks that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by affecting blood pressure have also been studied by researchers.  

There is proof that some beverages may be beneficial. However, it’s crucial to remember that some studies only examined a limited sample size of participants. It is difficult to say if the results apply to everyone. The following beverages, however, have some potential for lowering blood pressure. Here in this blog, you can find many tips on what to drink to lower blood pressure quickly.

High blood pressure: What is it?

Blood pressure measures the force the blood exerts on the artery walls as it travels through arteries from your heart to other parts of your body. When the force is excessive, it causes high blood pressure, which can harm your organs and arteries.

Systolic and diastolic blood pressure are the two points at which blood pressure is measured. A measurement of 120/80 mm Hg or less is considered normal, and if it is persistently greater than this, a diagnosis of high blood pressure may be made.

Which beverages are the best for high blood pressure?

You can lower your blood pressure with some beverages, including:

1 Skim milk-

In addition to being filled with vitamin D, which supports healthy blood pressure, skim milk is high in phosphorus, potassium, and calcium, three minerals linked to good blood pressure. According to a 2019 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, participants’ systolic and diastolic blood pressure went down by an average of 4.5 and 3 points over six weeks when they consumed five to six servings of yogurt, reduced-fat milk, and cheese, as opposed to when they consumed one or fewer servings of dairy per day. According to the study’s authors, consuming many dairy products may help prevent and treat hypertension.

The palmitic acid found in full-fat dairy products prevents signals from relaxing your blood vessels and allowing easy blood flow. Palmitic acid keeps your arteries tight and restricted, raising blood pressure. Avoid palmitic acid and lower your blood pressure by ingesting skim milk and other low-fat dairy products.

2 Tea-

An investigation published in the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research in 2019 suggests that drinking hibiscus tea may help decrease blood pressure. For one month, participants in the intervention group drank two cups of hibiscus tea every morning, significantly lowering blood pressure compared to the control group who did not drink the tea (both groups also received advice on dietary and lifestyle changes to lower blood pressure).

Anthocyanins and other antioxidants can be found in hibiscus tea. Researchers explain that anthocyanins (and other antioxidants) may assist blood arteries to withstand damage that could lead them to narrow in a review article published in Frontiers in Pharmacology in 2020.

3 Tomato Juice-

Antioxidants like lycopene, found in tomatoes, have been demonstrated to have various positive health effects. According to one research assessment, tomato juice was proven to lower systolic blood pressure, the top number. Over a year, systolic blood pressure was observed to improve in adults aged 55 and above who drank 200 mL per day (a little less than 1 cup).

4 Pomegranate Juice-

If you’re constantly worrying about your blood pressure, it’s time you met this delectable ruby-red fruit. Pomegranate juice, high in potassium and other heart-healthy minerals, has three times as much antioxidant activity as red wine or green tea. The conclusion of a 2017 review article in Pharmacological Research that frequent use of pomegranate juice can dramatically lower blood pressure is not surprising. 

No matter how many weeks people drank pomegranate juice, according to one of the research included in this analysis, systolic blood pressure (the higher number in a blood pressure reading) decreased.

5 Beet Juice-

Nitrate, which helps enhance blood flow, is present in beetroot juice. Additionally, a clinical trial revealed that blood pressure was reduced when someone consumed little more than 2 cups of beetroot juice once every day. 

After consuming beetroot juice, the decline might begin as soon as 30 minutes later and last for approximately 24 hours. Ages 45 and up may have a stronger manifestation of this impact. Regular drinking might reduce blood pressure more permanently. However, this has yet to be thoroughly investigated by scientists. 

6 Grapefruit Juice-

Potassium, lycopene, fiber can lower blood pressure, and other natural plant elements found in grapefruit. However, research on grapefruit juice has primarily focused on how it interacts with other beverages or blood pressure-lowering drugs. Additionally, it may negatively interact with several blood pressure drugs.

Is grapefruit juice safe to consume when taking blood pressure medication? 

You may need to refrain from consuming grapefruit juice if you take certain blood pressure medications. The body absorbs too much medication due to the grapefruit juice. 

Your blood pressure may decrease more than it should due to this. Just as hazardous as high blood pressure is low blood pressure. This could prevent blood from getting to your heart or brain, resulting in issues like a heart attack or stroke.

Blood pressure drugs like calcium channel blockers are affected by grapefruit juice. After consuming grapefruit juice, waiting 2 to 3 days before beginning one of these treatments is generally advised. 

What beverages should you limit or avoid if you have high blood pressure?

While some beverages can lower blood pressure in those with hypertension and help maintain healthy blood pressure, some beverages have adverse effects that should be avoided or limited.

1 Coffee-

Coffee stimulates the central nervous system, which activates the brain and increases alertness. According to some research8, ingesting 200–300 mg of caffeine can momentarily raise both your systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

This boost typically lasts three hours and has no notable and lasting effects. Conversely, chronic high blood pressure can result from regularly taking significant amounts of caffeine, such as using energy drinks. 

2 Alcohol-

The American Heart Association (AHA) advises against exceeding the daily limits of two drinks for males and one for women. The AHA cautions that excessive alcohol use might increase blood pressure.

High alcohol consumption and hypertension may be related, according to a study on alcohol-induced hypertension. Alcohol is believed to increase blood pressure because it has several physiological effects on the body, including the disruption of the central nervous system, an increase in vasoconstriction (tightening of blood vessels), and a decrease in the activation of baroreceptors (sensors that measure blood pressure).

This doesn’t mean you should abstain from alcohol entirely; rather, limiting your alcohol use can help prevent alcohol-related high blood pressure.


Your everyday routine, including what you drink, can significantly impact your blood pressure. Drinks like tomato juice, beet juice, and skim milk may all help lower blood pressure. However, it’s always necessary to practice moderation – drinking more of these beverages is not always a good idea. 

Don’t be disheartened if you require medicine to help keep your blood pressure healthy. Depending on your circumstances, your doctor might advise you on the ideal diet to control your blood pressure.


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