
W.R. Grace Offers $18.5M Settlement for Libby Cleanup

The EPA inspected more than 7,600 schools, homes and businesses in the area. EPA teams have cleaned up more than 2,600 of those buildings.

According to the EPA, investigations found traces of asbestos in several sources. Investigations showed the mineral in the air, water and animal tissue. Because of the environmental damage, the EPA added Libby to the Superfund list in 2002. That same year, Libby was added to the National Priorities List (NPL).

Through W.R. Grace’s negligence, the Kootenai River and a tributary, Rainy Creek, were contaminated with asbestos. The Rainy Creek contamination posed a significant concern because of recreational fishing on these waterways. As a result, Montana built the Kootenai Development Impoundment Dam on Rainy Creek to catch asbestos as it flowed through the waters.

The proposed settlement will specifically address these environmental concerns. It also requires W.R. Grace to financially support the operations of the Kootenai Development Impoundment Dam for 100 years.

Health Impacts of the W.R. Grace Mine

Libby residents and workers found themselves at the epicenter of a disaster. The full effects of this may still be developing. For decades since, researchers and government agencies have closely monitored Libby. While some environmental impacts have lessened, the health effects on people continue.

One study used death certificates to track the health impact. The researchers found that death rates for asbestos-related diseases have significantly increased. For example, researchers found asbestosis deaths to be 40 to 80 times higher in Libby than the rest of the United States. Lung cancer deaths were 20 to 30 times higher than the rest of the United States.

Like all diseases caused by asbestos, mesothelioma has a long latency period. This means mesothelioma generally develops 10 to 50 years after asbestos exposure. Other asbestos diseases tend to have a latency period shorter than mesothelioma.

The newest settlement does not address health impacts for asbestos victims. But legal options exist for those affected by the Libby mine.

What Options Do Asbestos Victims Have?

This 2023 W.R. Grace settlement has no impact on people’s ability to file legal claims. However, individuals affected by asbestos exposure caused by W.R. Grace’s negligence do have options available.

Asbestos-exposure victims may speak with experienced attorneys to understand their options. Some compensation options may include lawsuits, trust fund claims and workers’ compensation claims.

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