
Top 10 Health Benefits of Indoor Plants

Incorporating the natural world indoors may successfully increase people’s engagement with it, which may improve their comfort and health. When we bring plants indoors, we invite nature into our own spaces.

Discover the significant health benefits of indoor plants and their associated positive impact on both health and the environment:

1. Nature’s Air Purifier:

In addition, to a constant supply of oxygen, indoor plants absorb common toxins and pollutants circulating due to air pollution and improve air quality (1 Trusted Source
Effects of Indoor Plants on Human Functions: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analyses

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Studies reveal that houseplants can remove cancer-causing chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene from the air and reduce bacterial and fungal infection spread.

The microorganisms in the plant’s soil also help clean the air and are found to have anti-depressive effects.

2. Reduces Stress and Anxiety:

Taking care of and potting indoor plants can help distract the mind from any unpleasant memories, which lowers depressive moods, and lessens symptoms of anxiety Anxiety Screening Test, tension, and stress Top 10 Drinks to Relieve Stress. When your mind and body are relaxed, it can improve your blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels.

Exposure to indoor plants helped people recover from mental fatigue, especially during extreme isolating events like the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, you get a sense of the surrounding life by seeing the plant grow every day (3 Trusted Source
The Role of Indoor Plants in air Purification and Human Health in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Proposal for a Novel Line of Inquiry

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According to a study, plants can, but not considerably, control diastolic blood pressure and have a favorable effect on electroencephalography (EEG) α and β waves for attention and response time which explains having peace of mind around plants (2 Trusted Source
The basic roles of indoor plants in human health and comfort

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3. Boosts Focus and Attention:

Indoor plants are good for attention span and promote cognitive health. Those who suffer from mental exhaustion may find relief from indoor plants.

Working with or studying actual plants improves attention, attentiveness, and concentration. Additionally, task performance and academic accomplishment are indirectly impacted by indoor plants in an unconscious psychological way.

4. Reduces Noise Pollution:

Have you ever wondered about the silence of forests? One major factor contributing to this is the abundance of plants and trees. Since they absorb, reflect, and deflect sound, plants essentially lessen noise pollution. They contribute to the calm and cozy atmosphere we like to keep in our living area.

5. Therapeutic for Faster Recovery:

Even with plants, humans enjoy forming connections. You may heal from an illness, injury, or surgery more quickly just by simply gazing at a bouquet of flowers or plants in your garden.

6. Work Satisfaction:

Workers who had access to natural light and indoor plants in their offices were more dedicated to their work and had higher job satisfaction. All of them had nearly equal working pressure, but the plants lessened anxiety and mental tension.

7. Increases Humidity:

The respiratory system and skin are severely impacted by weather. During the process of photosynthesis, plants release both oxygen and water vapor. These vapors make our interiors more humid and make us more comfortable in the changing weather.

8. Improved Sleep:

The oxygen found in houseplants helps your brain stay in a deep, restorative sleep. Having plants close to your bed is a great idea, particularly if you struggle with insomnia .

9. Symbiosis:

One of the best aspects of caring for indoor plants is the lovely mutual exchange that happens. Plants rely on us for care and in turn, they take care of us by purifying the air we breathe and enhancing the aesthetics of our surroundings.

10. Natural Home Decor:

Houseplants are also aesthetic as they create excellent home decor and are a great gifting option.

Best Indoor Plants

While any plant is beneficial for physical and mental health, here are some of the experts’ top picks:

  • Bamboo palms
  • Boston fern
  • Spider plant
  • Jade
  • Snake plant
  • Microgreens and herbs
  • Peace lily
  • Rubber plants
  • Pothos or money plant

Houseplants are much more than just pretty plants that you can use to decorate your home or at a place of business. Your general well-being benefits from residing in a tranquil and healthy atmosphere provided by plants.

“A home with plants becomes our sanctuary and a place for us to recharge.”

References :

  1. Effects of Indoor Plants on Human Functions: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analyses – (
  2. The basic roles of indoor plants in human health and comfort – (
  3. The Role of Indoor Plants in air Purification and Human Health in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Proposal for a Novel Line of Inquiry – (

Source: Medindia

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