Pharma News

The ultimate test – PharmaTimes

Hepatitis C elimination has brought great success but how can learnings be applied to HIV?

In 2022, the NHS announced its initiative to eliminate hepatitis C (HCV) had successfully cured around 84,000 people.

This means by 2025, England could be one of the first countries globally to have eliminated HCV, five years ahead of the World Health Organization’s target.

This truly is a medical success story and as we look to make similar advances across other blood borne viruses such as HIV, what are the learnings?

Inevitably, success across HCV owes much to the availability of curative medicines, however, the vision of eliminating the disease is being achieved through a collaboration that hinges on reaching marginalised communities most at risk – 89% of HCV infections occur among those with a recent or history of injecting drugs.

The ultimate test

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