
Tamil Nadu Plans 1,000 Medical Camps for Dengue Screening Starting October 1

Starting from October 1, the health department of Tamil Nadu will conduct 1,000 medical camps dedicated to screening for dengue, said Health Minister Ma Subramanian.

He said that a medical team will visit the fever-affected areas every day and conduct medical camps, adding that a total of 476 mobile medical teams will be pressed into service for creating awareness among the public.

805 Mobile School Teams to Conduct Fever Screening Camps in Tamil Nadu

Subramanian said that about 805 Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) Mobile School Teams will establish fever screening camps in schools to check the students and treat the ones who are unwell.

He said that teachers have also been instructed to provide the details of the students with fever to medical officers and health personnel.The Minister added that school authorities have been instructed to spray mosquito repellents to prevent Aedes mosquito breeding in school premises to prevent the spread of dengue fever.

Several cities in Tamil Nadu have reported an increase in the number of dengue cases in September as compared to August.

Source: IANS

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