Symptoms and Prevention of Dengue

Dengue fever remains a global and regional hazard, imposing a significant public health burden on all communities despite advances in medicine and science. Therefore, dengue day is also observed internationally too.
Given the persistence of dengue fever in ASEAN member states, the 10th ASEAN Health Ministers’ Meeting in 2010 designated June 15 as “ASEAN Dengue Day.” Since then, June 15 as an important regional initiative to increase information exchange and promote awareness of dengue prevention, control and intervention methods.
Building on a rapidly emerging global consensus, the International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ISNTD) launched a global dengue awareness campaign in 2018, including a request to the UN and WHO to establish a World Dengue Day.
Additionally, ISNTD formed an international, multisectoral Dengue Advisory Group made up of partners from Ministries of Health, research and academia, NGOs, and civil society. As a result, in honor of ASEAN Dengue Day 2021 and the inaugural World Dengue Day, ISNTD and ADVA co-hosted the ISNTD-ADVA World Dengue Day Forum.
Dengue: Some Facts to Know
Although dengue fever caused by mosquitoes is treatable, if a person is infected a second time, it is said that the disease is also likely to become more severe, posing a threat to life.
Here are some of the facts you should know about dengue fever:
- Dengue is transmitted by an infected female mosquito of the Aedes aegypti species. The female mosquito is infected with any of the four dengue viruses.
- After the infected mosquito bites a human, symptoms begin to develop in the body within 3 to 14 days.
- Although there are no antiviral drugs to treat dengue fever, early diagnosis and clinical treatment can help patients. Dengue sufferers are advised to drink plenty of fluids.
Symptoms of Dengue Fever
- High fever
- Headache
- Rashes
- Muscle and joint pain
- Appetite loss
- Fatigue
Tips to Control Dengue Fever
- Water from refrigerators and other small containers (plastic containers, buckets, used car tires, water coolers, pet water bowls, and vases) should be cleaned and removed at least once a week.
- Water storage containers must be covered at all times.
- People are recommended to wear long-sleeved clothing that covers their skin in the broadcast season (rain).
- Use a mosquito net or mosquito repellent while sleeping during the day.
- Use spray during the day to avoid mosquito bites and drink plenty of water.
It is essential that
each individual understand the consequences of the dengue disease and the measures they must take to avoid contracting it. Every member of the community can play an important role in dengue prevention. So let us be united and eradicate dengue once and for all.
Source: Medindia
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