
Summer Travels is Brewing Up New COVID Cases

Amanda Joy, the Director of Advanced Practice at MedStar Health Urgent Care, mentioned they are witnessing a notable rise in the

positivity rate. Fortunately, the severity of the illness doesn’t seem to be as significant, and hospitalizations are relatively low. However, the number of positive cases has seen a significant uptick at MedStar this month.

travel and events, with people flying to various destinations and potentially bringing back new variants from different parts of the country.

It is suspected that a variant that emerged in India in December 2022 could be responsible for this recent spread. Alongside the COVID-19 surge, there has also been a rise in “Influenza A” flu and strep throat cases, particularly affecting children.


Joy emphasized the importance of not dismissing illness symptoms as mere allergies but instead advised people to get tested for COVID-19 if they feel unwell.

To contain the spread, individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 should follow the guidelines provided by the CDC, which include isolating for five days and wearing a mask for ten days. They should continue isolation until they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication (1 Trusted Source
Ending Isolation and Precautions for People with COVID-19: Interim Guidance

Go to source).

We are Not COVID-19 Free yet, so Mask up

Joy stressed the significance of adhering to basic preventive measures, such as frequent handwashing, maintaining a reasonable social distance, and wearing masks, especially in crowded places.

She also encouraged individuals to receive booster shots of the COVID-19 vaccine, as the fall boosters are designed to address some of the existing variants more effectively.

Symptoms of COVID-19 can range from mild, like low-grade fevers, to sinus congestion, cough, and sore throat. For symptomatic relief, patients may consider using decongestants or cough medications if they have found them helpful in the past.

Additionally, antiviral treatments are available, especially for those with underlying health conditions or risk factors, such as heart and lung disease, asthma, or obesity.

Reference :

  1. Ending Isolation and Precautions for People with COVID-19: Interim Guidance – (

Source: Medindia

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#Summer #Travels #Brewing #COVID #Cases

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