
Science Explains How to Spot a Narcissist 101

The research consisted of measuring physical responses to certain stimuli in people identified as having a


People with narcissistic personalities see the world as an extension of themselves and believe that the world revolves around them. They consider others to be less important than themselves.
Narcissists usually behave like they are entitled to whatever they want and can be stubborn and jealous.

Experts validate that these traits can make someone uncomfortable to be around and other people tend to dislike this behavior.

Narcissism: Heart Breaks Guaranteed

They also point out that narcissistic tendencies can be problematic in relationships, and as a result, they recommend that non-narcissists learn to detect people with such personalities before becoming closely connected with them.


Obviously, identifying narcissism in another person is not always straightforward, especially when meeting them for the first time. The researchers discovered a tiny indication that may be useful in such instances in this new endeavor.

How to Watch Out for a Narcissist According to Psychologists

The researchers enlisted the help of 57 people who had previously been recognized as having a narcissistic disposition. Each was instructed to complete a series of difficult cognitive exercises.

The researchers then attached sensors to various regions of the subjects’ faces. The volunteers were then instructed to listen to a performance evaluation.

Some received glowing praise, while others received a neutral evaluation, and a third group received harsh criticism. After that, all of the volunteers were asked how they felt about the tasks they had completed and the feedback they had recieved.

Narcissism Shows on your Face

The individuals who received a negative assessment unintentionally demonstrated covert facial muscle reactions—tiny movements in their foreheads and the muscles used to smile, according to the researchers.

But it was barely a fraction of a second. In poker, this is known as a “tell.” It could be interpreted as a warning sign for those considering starting a relationship with someone. In either case, the spectator must pay close attention or miss it.

Reference :

  1. Under the thin skin of narcissus: Facial muscle activity reveals amplified emotional responses to negative social evaluation in individuals with grandiose narcissistic traits – (

Source: Medindia

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