Regular Exercise Improves Mental Health in Pre-Teen Years

The devices recorded levels of moderate physical activity – typically defined as brisk walking or cycling – as well as vigorous activity that boosts heart rate and breathing, such as aerobic dancing, jogging, or swimming.
The young people and their parents reported their levels of depressive symptoms from age 11 to age 13 years. Participants’ parents and teachers were also quizzed about the young people’s general behavior and emotional difficulties.
Future Benefits of Physical Activity for Children
In analyzing the impact of moderate to vigorous exercise on young people’s mental health and behavior, the team also considered factors such as age, sex, and socio-economic status. The study found that regular exercise had a small but detectable association with reduced behavioral problems, even after controlling for other possible influences.
The findings suggest regular moderate and intense physical activity may have a small protective influence on mental health in early adolescence. This study adds to the increasing evidence base about how important physical activity is for all aspects of young people’s development. Supporting young people to lead healthy active lives should be prioritized.
While it might seem obvious that physical activity improves mental health the evidence for such a benefit in children and young people has been scarce, so the study findings are important.
The findings are also important because levels of moderate-to-vigorous intensity activity globally are so low in pre-teens- less than a third achieve the 60 minutes per day recommended by the WHO and UK Health Departments.
Source: Eurekalert
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