
Poverty Kills More Americans Than Obesity, Suicide and Drugs

, cancer, and smoking were associated with a greater number of deaths than poverty.

, suicides, firearms, and homicides, among other common causes of death, were less lethal than poverty.

Poverty kills as much as dementia, accidents, stroke, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes. It silently killed 10 times as many people as all the homicides in 2019. And yet, homicide firearms, and suicide get vastly more attention.

Another finding is that people living in poverty – those with incomes less than 50% of the U.S. median income — have roughly the same survival rates until they hit their 40s, after which they die at significantly higher rates than people with more adequate incomes and resources.


The analysis estimated the number of poverty deaths by analyzing income data kept by the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan and death data from household surveys from the Cross-National Equivalent File.

Deaths reported in surveys were validated in the National Death Index, a database kept by the National Center for Health Statistics, which tracks deaths and their causes in the U.S. Their findings have major policy implications.

Because certain ethnic and racial minority groups are far more likely to be in poverty, our estimates can improve understanding of ethnic and racial inequalities in life expectancy. Additionally, the study shows that poverty should get more attention from policymakers.

Beyond the emotional suffering of surviving family members and friends, deaths are associated with a great economic cost. Experts agree that death is expensive for a family, community, and government.

If poverty is less, there would be a lot better health and well-being, people could work more, and they could be more productive. All of those are benefits of investing in people through social policies.

Source: Eurekalert

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