Pharma News

Pharmanovia and Closed Loop Medicine in precision medicine partnership

Dosing optimisation technology will be incorporated alongside anti-hypertensive drugs

Closed Loop Medicine – a tech bio company – and Pharmanovia, which extends the lifecycle of already established medicines, have announced that they are embarking on a worldwide co-development collaboration.

To begin, the link up will concentrate on progressing a drug plus software combination version of an anti-hypertensive therapy in the UK. This will occur prior to a phased global roll-out and the addition of other treatments.

Under the terms of the agreement, Closed Loop Medicine’s proprietary ‘Software-as-a-Medical Device’ dosing optimisation technology will be incorporated alongside Pharmanovia’s anti-hypertensive drugs. The dual approach would be available under a single prescription.

Preliminary clinical trial results have shown that Closed Loop Medicine’s technology may deliver pivotal dose optimised drug therapy while also improving blood pressure control and reducing side effects.

Meanwhile, by developing a new class of combination products for the treatment of hypertension, the companies intend to support patients and healthcare professionals in the management of high blood pressure.

Dr James Burt, chief executive officer at Pharmanovia, was confident that the partnership can make a positive difference: “Combining our experience in lifecycle management with Closed Loop Medicine’s unique approach and technology is an exciting next step in our strategy. It enables us to use innovative technology to enhance established medicines and bring much needed innovation to an area of large-scale unmet need.”

He added: “Together we aim to deliver a first in class combination regulated software and medicine – with the aim of delivering better patient outcomes, while enabling healthcare systems to reduce costly hospital procedures through better adherence and patient engagement.”

Dr Hakim Yadi, chief executive officer and co-founder of Closed Loop Medicine, reflected: “This pioneering partnership is a great example of where the power of software integration can add value to iconic medicines to make them more effective for patients.”

He concluded: “Through this co-development agreement, we will bring our IP, insight and technical know-how of dose optimised drug plus software integration alongside Pharmanovia’s innovative business model, to enable well-known and trusted brands to be positioned as value-driven precision medicine product solutions globally.”

Hypertension remains the most prevalent preventable cause of morbidity and premature death worldwide, impacting over one in four men and one in five women. It currently costs the NHS alone over £2.1bn every year.

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