Pharma News

Patent Filed by Sosei Group Corp for Novel Compounds Treating Apelin Receptor Disorders

According to GlobalData’s company profile on Sosei Group, was a key innovation area identified from patents. Sosei Group‘s grant share as of January 2024 was 31%. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

The patent application (Publication Number: US20230382950A1) discloses a compound with a specific chemical sequence as defined in claim 1. The compound includes various components such as Q, n, R1, R2, X, AA1, AA2, AA3, AA5, and AA8, each playing a crucial role in the compound’s structure and function. Additionally, the compound exhibits apelin receptor agonist activity, making it potentially useful in the treatment of various conditions related to cardiovascular disease, heart failure, diabetes, cancer, HIV infection, and other medical conditions.

Furthermore, the patent application also covers the pharmaceutical composition containing the compound along with a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient for use in medicine. The compound and composition are specifically indicated for treating a wide range of conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, kidney failure, thrombotic diseases, and metabolic conditions. The compound’s unique structure and properties make it a promising candidate for therapeutic interventions targeting these complex medical conditions. The patent application provides detailed information on the compound’s composition, potential applications, and its role in addressing various health issues, highlighting its significance in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals.

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GlobalData Patent Analytics tracks bibliographic data, legal events data, point in time patent ownerships, and backward and forward citations from global patenting offices. Textual analysis and official patent classifications are used to group patents into key thematic areas and link them to specific companies

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