
Oral Lipid Nanoparticle Drug Averts Colitis-Associated Cancer Development

Current IBD drug treatments have severe side effects, depending on the specific medication used, which can include immunosuppression,

, liver toxicity, pancreatitis and blood disorders. A safe and convenient treatment is needed that can effectively target and release drugs to diseased tissue, reduce side effects and improve symptoms. Current treatments don’t use effective small-molecule drugs and colon-targeted delivery systems, according to the research study.

Previous studies have found the M13-NL formulation can effectively target the colon and reshape gut microbiota in cultures outside of the organism, generating altered microbial metabolites that can efficiently prevent chronic ulcerative colitis. This study tested the cancer cell uptake ability of the lipid nanoparticle formulation and investigated the potential of the M13-NL formulation to prevent colitis-associated cancer in mice.


“In prior studies, we demonstrated that lipids extracted from ginger-derived nanoparticles can be assembled to target specific parts of the digestive tract and support the efficient oral delivery of small molecules and siRNAs,” said Dr. Didier Merlin, senior author of the study, Regents’ Professor in the Institute for Biomedical Sciences at Georgia State, and senior research career scientist at the Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center. “The assembled lipid nanoparticles also trigger less toxicity than traditional nanoparticles.”

M13: A Potential Colitis-Associated Cancer Preventive for IBD Patients

“In this study, we loaded these lipid nanoparticles with M13, which is a promising anti-ulcerative colitis compound, and used the generated M13-nano-liposome as an oral formulation to treat colitis-associated cancer. Our findings demonstrate that oral administration of M13-NL prevents tumor development in mice, suggesting that M13-NL is a promising candidate for preventing colitis-associated cancer in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.”

The mice used in this study combine two critical factors involved in colitis-associated cancer development, chronic inflammation and DNA damage. They do not produce the anti-inflammatory cytokine, IL-10, in the colon, so they experience chronic inflammation. The compound azoxymethane (AOM) induces DNA damage in the colon, leading to the development of colorectal tumors. This allowed the researchers to assess the in vivo efficacy of the long-term oral administration of M13-NL against the development of colitis-associated cancer, the study explained.

Further studies are needed to validate these findings and assess the safety and efficacy of M13-NL through human clinical trials, according to the study.

Source: Eurekalert

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