New Treatment Results in More Donor Lungs

“The results from our study indicate that a certain treatment can help us use a larger part of a donor lung, and that there is an improved outcome during the first two days after surgery”, says Sandra Lindstedt, senior consultant in thoracic surgery at Skne University Hospital and adjunct professor at Lund University.
In their study on pigs, the researchers investigated the effects of reducing the levels of cytokines in lungs. Cytokines are small proteins that are produced by specific cells of immune system.
The function of the lungs was reduced before transplant so that the lungs developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). By doing this, the lungs acquired injuries similar to those of donor lungs in humans. In ten cases the donor lung was treated – either before and after transplant or only after transplant. Six cases composed a control group and were not given any treatment.
About 50 to 60 lung transplants are performed each year at Skne University Hospital in Lund and Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg. The hope is that the number will increase thanks to the new treatment.
“This will not work on all donor lungs but if we can use it on some of the donor lungs that are discarded today, it could be of great significance for patients on the waiting list for a transplant. We hope to create the needed prerequisites to save more patients”, Sandra Lindstedt says.
Lung Transplantation
To be able to conduct the study, a special unit was created within the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Anesthesia and Intensive Care at Skne University Hospital. The unit brought together all the competencies needed for the study.
“This study would not be possible without the great efforts of different clinical specialties, such as thoracic surgeons, anesthesiologists, perfusionists, operating room nurses and anesthesiology nurses.”
The study results, which are published in Nature Communications, are the basis of a newly started clinical pilot study.
“We have started to include the first patients in the pilot study at Skne University Hospital in Lund. The whole study consists of 20 transplants, half of which will be treated to reduce the cytokine levels, and the rest will be treated in the conventional way. If we get positive results, we will expand the study and include 120 transplants nationally”, Sandra Lindstedt concludes.
Source: Eurekalert
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