Pharma News

Key upcoming events for pharma execs

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The year may be rounding into its final quarter, but a number of events are still on the horizon.

Later this month, PharmaVoice is hosting a two-day event with its sister publication BioPharma Dive that will bring together a wide swath of industry leaders for engaging keynotes and panel discussions on forward thinking trends including innovation, buzzy therapeutic areas, clinical trials of the future and more. We’ll also announce the 2023 Red Jackets — the PharmaVoice 100 “hall of fame” honorees. Called “The Next Frontier of the Life Sciences,” the virtual event will be held Oct. 25-26.

It’s just one of several upcoming opportunities to interface with industry execs, change agents and luminaries in the coming months. Here’s a look at other key events for pharma leaders.

2023 ISPE Annual Meeting & Expo

Oct. 15-18, 2023 | Las Vegas, Nevada

Big names in the industry such as FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf will deliver keynotes at this global-minded trade show focused on the latest in pharma science and manufacturing.  Known for its technical education program, the event will feature sessions on supply chain, IT, regulations, and other areas of process innovation.

World Vaccine Conference Europe

Oct. 17-19, 2023 | Barcelona, Spain

The vaccine market has heated up in the last few years and the European version in this series of global trade shows will tackle critical trends in the field including R&D, manufacturing, the next phase of COVID-19, cancer immunology, RSV and more.

CPhI Worldwide

Oct. 24-26, 2023 | Barcelona, Spain

This massive, must-attend event to see the latest in manufacturing technology brings together thousands of pharma professionals each year for networking, exhibitors and informational presentations.

Executive Decision Making for Pharma & Biotech

Nov. 6-8, 2023 | Boston, Mass.

Attendees can choose from “Program and Portfolio Management” or “Strategic Resource Management” tracks at an event exploring high-level R&D trends in pharma. Breakout roundtables, panel discussions and networking events will also set the stage for opportunities to collaborate and exchange ideas.

42nd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference

Jan. 8-11, 2024 | San Francisco, Calif.

Every year, all eyes in the industry turn to the largest market-focused show for newsy announcements around M&A and clinical developments as up-and-coming companies interface with investors, Big Pharma and biotech peers.

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