January/February 2024 – PharmaTimes

I’m a believer
According to an agreed principle, set in stone (quite literally) over 2000 years ago, I believe it is now 2024.
Although what we know and what we believe are, of course, two very diferent things. The last few years have been a chastening reminder of this enduring half-truth.
Was Boris Johnson really Prime Minister? I believe so, at least I thought he was. And, yet, a quick check reveals Boris Johnson was not Prime Minister. No one called Boris Johnson has ever, and in all likelihood will never, hold the highest ofce. A bloke called Alexander Johnson was Prime Minister, but that isn’t the same thing – it is not what we were led to believe.
Elizabeth Truss was, apparently, also Prime Minister – a concept so fanciful as to be truly unbelievable (however feeting that status was).
Indeed, it is best not to dwell on the renumeration that she gets for being an ex-PM of 44 days. £150,000 per year for life, dear friends! If that doesn’t shake your belief system, nothing will.
Democracy is rubbish but, foolishly, I still believe in it. The alternative is too chilling to consider. For the time being, Keir Starmer has an open goal – but history tells us, open goals can be missed.
Believe me – for our own health – we have to nail the next big decision.
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#JanuaryFebruary #PharmaTimes