
Is Meat a New Source of Antioxidants?

A team led by Professor Hideshi Ihara of Osaka Metropolitan University’s Graduate School of Science was the first to discover 2-oxo-imidazole-containing dipeptides (2-oxo-IDPs), which has one more oxygen atom than normal IDPs, and discovered that they are the most common type of IDP derivative in the body. They also have remarkably strong antioxidant activity, according to the experts.

The researchers used mass spectrometry to develop a method for selective and extremely sensitive detection of five types of 2-oxo-IDPs, allowing quantitative detection of trace 2-oxo-IDPs in living organisms. They discovered for the first time using this technology that beef, pork, chicken, and other meats contain antioxidants, including not just IDPs but also a variety of other 2-oxo-IDPs. These findings were reported in the journal Antioxidants.


“We hope that this study method, which allows for advanced analysis of 2-oxo-IDPs, will be applied not only to basic biology but also to medicine, agriculture, and pharmacy, where it can help improve people’s health and avoid diseases,” Professor Ihara concluded.

How to Get Your Daily Dose of Imidazole Dipeptide

If you are not able to get it through meat and poultry, then supplements are your solution.

Meats high in imidazole dipeptides include poultry, fish, and pork. Data from recent human intervention trials conducted globally show that regular supplementation of carnosine and anserine, both imidazole dipeptides, can enhance memory loss in the elderly and lessen the chance of acquiring Alzheimer’s disease (1 Trusted Source
Influence of Imidazole-Dipeptides on Cognitive Status and Preservation in Elders: A Narrative Review

Go to source).

Reference :

  1. Influence of Imidazole-Dipeptides on Cognitive Status and Preservation in Elders: A Narrative Review – (

Source: Medindia

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