Importance of Early Detection and Treatment

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women around the world. According to the National Library of Medicine 2022, it rose from fourth to first on the list of most common cancers in India in the 1990s. One of the reasons for high mortality in breast cancer patients is a lack of awareness about the disease and a failure to detect it at an early stage. A survey conducted by the Apex Group of Hospitals, a major contributor to the Mumbai health sector, revealed apathy towards breast cancer among Mumbai women. Apex Hospital in Borivali recently conducted a survey on breast self-examination among 100 women and discovered that only 10 of them did it regularly.
Lack of Awareness and Early Detection: A Major Hurdle in Breast Cancer Treatment
Elaborating on this, Dr. Aditi Agrawal, General Surgeon of
Hospitals said, “Even if the simple mention of cancer comes out, common
people tremble. But, if this disease is correctly diagnosed at the right
time, this fear can be overcome due to advanced medical treatment &
advanced methods. It has become possible to prevent cancer at various
stages. Not only that, Science has come to the point of getting rid of
this disease permanently if its symptoms can be recognized correctly or
at the right time. 90% of breast cancer in the first stage is completely
curable with proper treatment. So do breast self-examination in your
twenties, get checked by a medical expert once a year after the age of 40 and get a mammogram done even if there is a small lump. As soon as cancer is diagnosed, it is necessary to start treatment immediately
without fear and without losing patience. Breast cancer has become the
second most common cancer among Indian women. The rate of this cancer has also increased in rural areas, one woman out of 20 rural women is diagnosed with breast cancer. This rate has increased further. Although there is still no definite cause of this cancer, obesity, late
infertility, PCOD‘, excessive alcohol consumption and genetics are some
of the factors that contribute to breast cancer.”
Rising Incidence of Breast Cancer in India
Women in India disregard their health. As a result, women with breast cancer who seek treatment do so after the disease has progressed to the third or fourth stage. Breast cancer in women is, in fact, 90% curable if detected early. Women aged 50 to 74 who are at average risk for breast cancer should have a mammogram every year.
Dr. Aditi Agrawal’s Recommendations for Breast Cancer Prevention and Early Detection
Women aged 40 to 49 should consult their doctor about when and how often they should have a mammogram. If symptoms such as breast lump, discharge, inverted breast, increase in size, constant pain, and back pain occur, it is critical to consult a doctor right away, according to Dr. Aditi Agrawal of Apex Group of Hospitals.
Source: Medindia
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