Social illness

I Don’t Want to Go to Work: 8 Reasons Why— Talkspace

What Should I Do if I Don’t Want to Go to Work? 

If you just can’t seem to get out of bed and you don’t want to go to work in the mornings, there are certain things you can implement into your life and daily routine that might help you find the motivation you need.

“You can do many things to rest and recharge if you feel burnt out at work. For example, you can take a mental health day, explore alternative work opportunities, and communicate with your supervisor to better fit your job tasks and career goals. Practicing self care, such as getting enough sleep, eating healthier foods, exercising, and relaxing, are a few other tips that can help you. Seeking out professional counseling can help you increase your job satisfaction and improve your well-being.”

Talkspace therapist Dr. Olga Molina, D.S.W., LCSW

Self-reflection and understanding the source of your feelings

Take a moment to reflect on why you’re feeling this way. Are you feeling burdened, unvalued, or having difficulty with psychological well-being? 

Understanding the root cause of your dread can help you determine what changes you need to make to feel more comfortable at work. 

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are specific job aspects causing stress or discomfort?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed at work with all your responsibilities?
  • Is there a lack of support from colleagues or management?
  • Are personal issues affecting your motivation?

Seek professional help

If your feelings continue or intensify, it might be time to consult a mental health professional experienced in career-related stress. Check out online therapy platforms like Talkspace for easy access to licensed therapists who can guide you through managing workplace challenges and improving your overall mental well-being.

Strategies for regaining your love for your job

Consider why you may feel unmotivated to work and get help if needed. Pause and contemplate why you’re having these feelings, and if necessary, ask leadership for support. Some things that might help you find joy in your work again can include:

  • Set and enforce firm boundaries so you don’t feel taken advantage of
  • Ask for help if you’re overwhelmed
  • Ask for a salary increase
  • Take a vacation
  • Take breaks throughout your day — try going for a quick walk or regularly getting out of your office for a few minutes
  • Workout before heading to work in the mornings
  • Create small rewards that you can work toward during your day, so you have something to look forward to
  • Start a gratitude journal in the mornings before you go to work
  • Recognize your accomplishments

Take a mental health day

Take a break from work to focus on activities that bring rejuvenation and peace of mind — taking a mental health day when needed can prevent further deterioration of your well-being due to workplace stress

Recharge and self care tips

If you can’t get a day off, prioritize self care during your off time and learn how to destress after work

  • Get enough sleep to ensure each night
  • Engage in physical activity to reduce stress
  • Practice mindfulness meditation for mental clarity and relaxation

Envision your career path

Sometimes not wanting to go to work is the result of feeling stuck. If you feel like you don’t have a path forward or you’ve been stagnant in your job for some time, envision the career path you want. It might help you feel motivated and like you actually want to work towards your goals so you can get to that next level. 

Try discussing your goals for your future with your boss. You can also consider signing up for classes or taking other steps to advance your career.

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