How to Celebrate Without Spiking Your Blood Sugar

The best way will be to have smaller portions of food at regular intervals instead of having a large meal at once. Blood sugar levels can also rise during the festive season due to alcohol consumption, eating at odd hours, a lack of physical activity, mental stress, and social pressure.
These five food groups promote high blood sugar levels because they are high in sugar and refined carbs (1):
During the holiday season, these foods can be replaced with healthier alternatives (2):
Before attending holiday celebrations, plan your meals and snacks to ensure they meet your dietary requirements. Eat a balanced supper or snack before going out to avoid overeating on high-sugar meals later.
Portion management
When enjoying holiday foods, keep portion sizes in mind. Smaller servings can help keep blood sugar levels stable. Use smaller plates to help you keep your serving portions under control.
Make an informed decision
Choose foods with fewer processed carbs and added sugars. Lean proteins, veggies, and whole grains should be prioritized. If you want to pamper yourself, choose a little piece and enjoy it carefully.
- Wolever TM, Miller JB. Sugars and blood glucose control. Am J Clin Nutr. 1995 Jul;62(1 Suppl):212S-221S; discussion 221S-227S. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/62.1.212S. PMID: 7598079.
Source: Medindia
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