Pharma News

F. Hoffmann-La Roche in cloud: Theme innovation strategy

F. Hoffmann-La Roche grant share with cloud as a theme is 0% in Q4 2023. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

Recent Patents

Application: An event chain reaction system (Patent ID: US20230368873A1)

The patent filed by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. describes an event chain reaction system that includes a communication interface for receiving event streams generated by analytical systems, and a chain reaction component with chain matching elements to recognize specific sequences of events within the stream. When a chain is identified, the system triggers reactions such as generating information or issuing commands to components of the analytical system. The system can monitor and control features of analytical system components by matching event chains and triggering appropriate reactions based on the identified sequences.

Additionally, the patent includes claims for a system that can perform multiple chain matching in parallel, trigger multiple reactions simultaneously, and utilize time stamps and originator identifiers for each event. The system can detect changes in the state of the analytical system through various sensor signals and operational information. Furthermore, the patent covers a cloud-based infrastructure for receiving, storing, and processing event data, as well as predicting future behavior of the analytical system based on event information. Overall, the patent outlines a comprehensive system for monitoring, controlling, and predicting the behavior of analytical systems through event chain reactions and cloud-based processing.

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