Exploring the Effects of Pollutants on Parkinson’s Disease

Both genetic and environmental factors may influence the likelihood of developing Parkinson’s disease. Using agricultural records, the researchers investigated 288 pesticides, finding that long-term exposure to 53 of these pesticides was associated with Parkinson’s disease. The team then used a screening system in dopamine neurons derived from Parkinson’s patients to study 39 of those pesticides and identified 10 that were directly toxic to dopamine neurons.
“The combination of bench science and epidemiology is quite novel here,” said Krolewski. “The bench science is able to address questions that are difficult to answer with epidemiology while the epidemiology helps direct the bench science – the sum is greater than the parts.”
The Department of Defense supported this project and has now supported the group to utilize diverse stem-cell models derived from Parkinson’s patients to investigate how pesticides and the gut microbiome disrupt key neuronal processes affecting both movement and cognition.
“The findings advance a major goal of the BWH Movement Division to tailor therapies to specific triggers of Parkinson’s in each patient,” said Khurana.
Reference :
- A pesticide and iPSC dopaminergic neuron screen identifies and classifies Parkinson-relevant pesticides – (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38215-z)
Source: Eurekalert
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