
Indian Innovation Vital for Health, Agriculture, Climate Solutions

The remarkable innovations emerging from India span a wide spectrum and play a crucial role in addressing challenges in health, agriculture, gender, and climate, as highlighted by Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and philanthropist.

Bill Gates Explores India’s Solutions in Health

Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), (1✔ ✔Trusted Source
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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) who is on an India tour, was speaking at IIT-Delhi on innovations for public good.“I am looking at innovators in India that can help with all kinds of problems, starting with health, but also agriculture, gender and climate.”

“Indian innovation gets stronger all the time. It is a fascinating time and the need for innovation to deal with many different challenges is greater than ever. But the pace of innovations is also rising to meet the challenge,” he told the gathering.

The tech mogul advised students to work towards “achieving social equality” along with making a financial impact in their future roles. “We have many problems in the world, and only by taking that point of view can we shape innovations to improve the world as much as possible,” Gates said.

Did You Know?

Gates Foundation collaborated with Indian manufacturers to make various vaccines, such as the rotavirus, pneumococcal, and measles vaccines, accessible in India, expanding their availability beyond affluent nations.

Beyond infections, he also said that it was important to focus on malnutrition and anemia, which will work towards improving the physical and mental health of mothers and children. The billionaire also hailed India’s digital public infrastructure.

“India leads in digital public infrastructure. No country is able to take government benefits and get them out more efficiently and effectively to citizens like India can,” he said.


  1. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – (


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