Dr. Bernie Siegel – Love, Medicine and Miracles

“When troubles happen, tell yourself: God’s redirecting me, something good will come of this.”
-Dr. Bernie Siegel
Dr. Bernie Siegel attended medical school at Cornell University Medical College and completed his surgical training at Yale New Haven Hospital, West Haven Veteran’s Hospital, and the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.
In 1978, Dr. Siegel started the Exceptional Cancer Patients support group utilizing patients’ drawings, dreams, images, and feelings to facilitate personal lifestyle changes and empower his patients to discover their own healing potential.
He retired from practice as an assistant clinical professor of general and pediatric surgery at Yale in 1989 and shifted his efforts to helping patients and their caregivers.
“Embrace each challenge in your life as an opportunity for self-transformation.” -Dr. Bernie Siegel
Show Notes
-What impacted Dr. Siegel’s approach to medicine [1:05]
-Dr. Siegel’s ‘Exceptional Survivors’ [3:35]
-“The way you are living is killing you” [5:31]
-When the curse becomes the blessing [7:06]
-Dr. Siegel’s perspective on the spirit-mind-body connection [13:25]
-One word that describes your cancer experience [21:10]
-Why cancer survival rates are higher for women [25:15]
-The controversy behind Love, Medicine, and Miracles [33:53]
-Mrs. Siegel’s health challenges [37:30]
-The power of belief [44:30]
-What cancer patients need to know [46:57]
-Becoming a chosen dad [52:30]
-Keep loving others [55:50]
-You have a right to speak up [1:00:10]
Connect with Dr. Bernie Seigel:
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I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and everyone I know who has healed cancer.
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#Bernie #Siegel #Love #Medicine #Miracles