
Does Protein Play a Role in Type 2 Diabetes Control?

The type of protein in the diet is not as essential as the overall amount of weight loss for those with type 2 diabetes (T2D), according to new research from the University of Alabama in Birmingham (1).

High-Protein vs. Low-Protein Diet for Type 2 Diabetes Patients

In the study, 106 persons with T2D were randomly assigned to either a high-protein or a low-protein diet for 52 weeks. Both diets were low in energy. The high-protein diet recommended consuming lean beef, but the normal-protein diet directed participants to avoid eating any red meats. A high-protein diet (40% of total calories from protein) and a moderate-protein diet (21% of total calories from protein) were both helpful in improving glycemic management, weight loss, and body composition in adults with type 2 diabetes, according to the researchers.

According to lead author James O. Hill, professor in the UAB Department of Nutrition Sciences and director of the UAB Nutrition Obesity Research Center, and co-author Drew Sayer, Ph.D., in this context of comparing two overall healthy dietary patterns that differ in the amounts of dietary protein and carbohydrate, as well as the inclusion/exclusion of lean, minimally processed beef, the results show an individual difference.

Comparing High-Protein Lean Beef Diet with Normal-Protein Diet for T2D Patients

For 52 weeks, 71 study participants followed a higher-protein diet with four or more 4- to 6-ounce meals of lean beef per week (as the only source of red meat) or a normal-protein diet with no red meat. The high-protein diet consisted of 40% protein, 32% carbohydrate, and 28% fat of total energy, whereas the normal-protein diet consisted of 21% protein, 53% carbohydrate, and 26% fat of total energy (which is higher in protein than the average American diet, with protein intake averaging 14-16% of total energy).

All individuals had type 2 diabetes and were on the State of Slim weight management program, with both diets being calorie-restricted and restricted to food lists for each phase of the SOS program. In addition, individuals gradually increased their


exercise time to 70 minutes per day, six days per week.

Weight Loss: The Key Factor in Type 2 Diabetes Management

  • Both a high-protein diet that contains red meat and a low-protein diet that does not include red meat are helpful for weight loss and blood sugar control.
  • Weight loss, independent of diet composition, is the most important component in controlling type 2 diabetes.
  • During a weight loss program, excluding red meat has no added benefits for weight loss or blood sugar control.



Source: Medindia

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