Destiny releases pivotal phase 2 data involving XF-73 nasal gel

Study shows significant reduction of nasal S. aureus in cardiac surgery patients before surgery
Destiny Pharma – a company which concentrates on the development of novel medicines to prevent life threatening infections – has announced crucial clinical data regarding its XF-73 candidate in the Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology journal.
The clinical trial achieved its primary endpoint, with XF-73 demonstrating a 99.5% lowering in S. aureus bacterial nasal carriage – a clinically relevant reduction. The result equates to a reduced nasal burden of S. aureus in patients undergoing open heart surgery in the 24 hours before surgery – also a statistically significant result.
Furthermore, 83.7% of patients receiving the treatment were completely decolonised of nasal S. aureus or exhibited a considerable reduction one hour ahead of surgery compared to just 25% among the placebo group.
The positive results were achieved with three doses of XF-73 nasal gel in the 24 hours prior to surgical incision.
Dr Bill Love, chief scientific officer at Destiny Pharma, reflected: “This is certainly the most important paper that we have published on XF-73 nasal gel. Peer-reviewed and published in a leading US infection control journal, will mean that the exceptional ability of our product to decolonise patients rapidly and effectively before surgery, will be shared and available to those in the field of hospital infection control.”
He added: “XF-73 nasal gel is a potential game changer in the fight to reduce the risk of post-surgical infections from hospital superbugs.”
Dr Julie Mangino, professor of infectious disease at The Ohio State University, added: “XF-73 provides a rapidly effective and safe new agent to complement the armamentarium of skin/whole body decolonisation to prevent Staphylococcus aureus surgical site infections (SSIs). Prevention is primary to avoid the morbidity and mortality of SSIs.”
Meanwhile, Destiny has recently completed detailed interactions with the regulators and identified options for the phase 3 clinical development stage to obtain approval for XF-73.
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