Pharma News

Decreasing Blood Urea Nitrogen Levels in Hyperuricemia

According to GlobalData’s company profile on AVEO Pharmaceuticals, was a key innovation area identified from patents.

Decreasing blood urea nitrogen levels in hyperuricemia using anti-gdf15 antibody

Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Credit: AVEO Pharmaceuticals Inc

A recently granted patent (Publication Number: US11897948B2) discloses a method for reducing blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels in individuals with hyperuricemia by administering an effective amount of an anti-GDF15 antibody that inhibits GDF15 activity. The patent lists specific sequences for the heavy and light chains of the antibody that can be used in this method. The method is particularly targeted at individuals with elevated GDF15 levels, reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR), albuminuria, high urinary albumin excretion, serum uric acid levels of at least 6.3 mg/dL, iron deficiency, and low transferrin saturation with low ferritin levels. The anti-GDF15 antibody can be humanized or human, and specific sequences are highlighted for optimal efficacy.

Moreover, the patent also covers a method for enhancing renal function in individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD) by administering an anti-GDF15 antibody that inhibits GDF15 activity. Similar to the previous method, specific heavy and light chain sequences for the antibody are provided. The method is intended for individuals with elevated GDF15 levels, reduced GFR, albuminuria, hyperuricemia, iron deficiency, and low transferrin saturation with low ferritin levels. The anti-GDF15 antibody can be humanized or human, and specific sequences are outlined for effective renal function improvement in CKD patients. This patent highlights a novel approach to addressing hyperuricemia and CKD by targeting GDF15 activity with specific antibodies, potentially offering new treatment options for these conditions.

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