Can You Help? – Chris’s Cancer Community
I’m struggling to see the subject of cancer raised anywhere in mainstream news these days. However that doesn’t mean that the issues have disappeared. Quite the reverse of course. The situation for all of us is worsening by the day, but that doesn’t stop us from trying to improve things for our children and grandchildren. In my work I get to speak to so many wonderful people doing just that, and one of these is Lynette. She is looking for help to solve on of the biggest current inequalities in cancer within the UK
“My name is Lynette and I am a trainee clinical psychologist from Canterbury Christ Church University, UK. I am conducting a research looking into the experiences of cancer and cancer care amongst young people from ethnically minoritised backgrounds.
Cancer health disparities across different ethnic groups have been widely documented. In particular, low awareness of cancer symptoms, low participation in cancer screening programmes and delayed help seeking behaviours were more likely to be found in ethnically minoritised groups. Many patient experience studies have highlighted reports of poorer experiences of cancer care, quality of life and health outcomes amongst these ethnically minoritised populations. These aspects of cancer experience have been shown to be associated with cultural beliefs, misconceptions and stigma around cancer, for instance barriers to help-seeking, adjustment to diagnosis, illness disclosure and coping strategies.
Whilst there is a growing body of research shedding light on the lived experiences of ethnically minoritised adult cancer patients, only little research has been undertaken with the younger population. When presented with a life changing physical health condition during this developmental trajectory, adolescents and young adults are confronted with significant psychosocial challenges that interfere with their roles in relation to family relations, peer networks, education, employment and future aspirations. Research has shown that ethnically minoritised young people with cancer are more likely to have additional unmet needs, poorer quality of life and experiences of care. This population is faced with a ‘double disparity’, where they have to cope with cancer amongst challenges at a transitional age in tandem with barriers associated with identifying as ethnically marginalised. Yet there is little research looking into the challenges and unmet needs these young people face. I am interested in learning from young people’s personal experiences to help us understand better ways of supporting them in the service.“
Looking for young people to help us improve cancer care. (UK only)
🚨Share your experience & earn a £10 voucher🚨
Are you:
✅ Young person with experience of cancer
✅ 16-25 years old
✅ identify as Black/Asian/Brown/People of Colour or Mixed Heritage?
Click below to sign up and find out more!
What it involves:
- About an hour
- Participants will receive £10 voucher
☀️ You deserve better care, help us make a difference. ☀️
Please share wherever appropriate, as it is so important to improve our cancer care in the future, and Lynette would be extremely grateful!
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#Chriss #Cancer #Community