
Be a Plant-Based Woman Warrior

Ann Crile Esselstyn, the wife of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, began feeding her family creative, plant-based meals more than thirty years ago in support of her husband’s research. She has frequently been referred to as “the Julia Child of plant-based cooking.” She and her daughter, Jane Esselstyn, RN, are full of energy and spend their time fiercely advocating a plant-based lifestyle to the world. They have reached hundreds of thousands of people through their books and YouTube channel.

Ann and Jane are pictures of vibrant health and spend their days hiking, doing yoga, gardening, cooking, and spreading the message that food is the key to living a happy, strong, and disease-free life. Their new book, Be a Plant-Based Woman Warrior explains how women everywhere can pass on this important legacy in their own families through the generations, and illuminates how plants powerfully support a woman’s body and mind. Their mission is to empower women to live a life of vitality and in control of their own health.

This interview was so much fun. Enjoy!

Watch our interview below, or listen to it on the Chris Beat Cancer podcast on iTunes or Spotify.

Show Notes
Be a Plant-Based Woman Warrior the book [1:04]
-How the Esselstyn family discovered plant-based eating [4:50]
-Stay away from vegan junk food [10:06]
-If you’re hungry, eat more [12:06]
-Chronic disease at an all-time high [17:55]
-Is obesity genetic? [19:25]
-“Be bold and start to serve more vegetables” [22:49]
-Stop buying junk food [28:33]
-How a plant-based diet benefits women’s health [31:14]
-Erectile dysfunction: an early sign of heart disease [41:40]
Be a Plant-Based Warrior upcoming events [46:33]
-Learn the nutritional science [48:30]
-Take full ownership of your health [51:06]

Connect with Ann and Jane:
Be a Plant-Based Woman Warrior: Live Fierce, Stay Bold, Eat Delicious by Ann and Jane Esselstyn
Facebook: Jane Esselstyn – Health Care is Self Care
Instagram: @janeesselstyn_rn
YouTube: @janeesselstyn
Upcoming Plant-Based Woman Warrior Camp – Well, Now! June 22nd – June 25th, 2023

Other resources from this interview:
My interview with Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
My interview with Rip Esselstyn
Cancer risk for semaglutide weight loss shots Wegovy, Ozempic
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D.
The Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook by Ann and Jane Esselstyn

Beat Cancer Kitchen: My New Recipe Book, Deliciously Simple Plant-Based Anti-Cancer Recipes Get it on Amazon here

Beat Cancer Daily 365 Days of Inspiration, Encouragement, and Action Steps to Survive and Thrive Get it on Amazon here

Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally, published by Hay House, is a National Bestseller as ranked by USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly! Get it on Amazon here, or anywhere books are sold.

I’ve interviewed over 60 people who’ve healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.

I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and everyone I know who has healed cancer with nutrition and natural, non-toxic therapies.

Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here


Chris Beat Cancer is reader-supported. If you purchase a product through a link on this site I may receive compensation from the affiliate partner (like Amazon). Your support helps fund this blog and my mission so my team and I can continue to do the work that we do. Thank you!

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